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Standard Meter Boxes with 114 Polymer V110KSM Meter with a plastic “Y” Strainer 150
Plastic Meter box Key 10
NB: The successful Service Provider will be required to deliver the goods / services within 5 working days upon the receipt of the Official Purchase Order [otherwise Service Provider should indicate their delivery period if it falls outside these timeframes]. Failure to deliver within the stipulated period, the municipality reserves the right to cancel the order and appoint another bidder or institute any other remedies within law for the inconvenience / damages caused.

Requirements [failure to comply with this may invalidate your submission]

  1. Formal written price quotation must be submitted on supplier’s letterhead and the quoted price must be valid for a period of 30 days.
  2. The quotation must clearly show the MAAA CSD registration number of the Supplier.
  3. The Supplier must be tax compliant on the CSD as of the closing date and time shown in the advert.
  4. The municipality will apply the 80/20 Preferential Point System and for Specific Goals points. Please see below table and documents required to claim the points:

Points for the specific goals for contracting with persons, or categories of persons, historically disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on the basis of Race

Black-owned and B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of points on 80/20 points system Evidence to be submitted by the supplier to substantiate the points claimed/allocated per specific goal (NB: Any of the evidence indicated below per specific goal should be regarded as sufficient).
100% Black-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 1 or affidavit 6  

·        Sworn affidavit signed by the EME or QSE representative and attested by a Commissioner of Oaths.


·        A certified copy of a BB-BEE certificate issued by the verification agency accredited by SANAS Proof of B-BBEE issued by DTIC

51% Black-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 2 4
51% Black-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 3 2
Less than 51% Black-owned enterprise irrespective of B-BBEE level 0

Points for the specific goals for contracting with persons, or categories of persons, historically disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on the basis of Gender (Women) 

Women-owned and B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of points on 80/20 points system Evidence to be submitted by the supplier to substantiate the points claimed/allocated per specific goal (NB: Any of the evidence indicated below per specific goal should be regarded as sufficient).
100% Women-owned enterprise with no B-BBEE certificate or with a Sworn Affidavit 4  

·        Sworn affidavit signed by the EME or QSE representative and attested by a Commissioner of Oaths.


·        A certified copy of a BB-BEE certificate issued by the verification agency accredited by SANAS Proof of B-BBEE issued by DTIC

51% Women-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 1 3
51% Women-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 2 2
51% Women-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 3 1
Less than 51% Women-owned enterprise irrespective of B-BBEE level 0

Points for the specific goals for contracting with persons, or categories of persons, historically disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on the basis of Disability  

Black-owned and B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor Number of points on 80/20 points system Evidence to be submitted by the supplier to substantiate the points claimed/allocated per specific goal (NB: Any of the evidence indicated below per specific goal should be regarded as sufficient).
100% Disabled-owned enterprise with no B-BBEE certificate but with proof of disability. 2  

·        Sworn affidavit signed by the EME or QSE representative and attested by a Commissioner of Oaths.


·         A certified copy of a BB-BEE certificate issued by the verification agency accredited by SANAS Proof of B-BBEE issued by DTIC

51% Disabled-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 1 1
51% Disabled-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 2 1
51% Disabled-owned enterprise with a valid B-BBEE level 3 1
Less than 51% Disabled-owned enterprise irrespective of B-BBEE level 0

Points for the specific goals for contracting with persons, or categories of persons, historically disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on the basis of Youth (Age)  

Youth Number of points on 80/20 points system Evidence to be submitted by the supplier to substantiate the points claimed/allocated per specific goal (NB: Any of the evidence indicated below per specific goal should be regarded as sufficient).
Youth is defined as any south African citizen with the age between 18 and 35 years  


·        RSA identity document

·        Valid RSA driver’s license issued by the relevant authority

 Points for Specific Goals to Promote Economic Development – Enterprise Located in a Province, District or Municipal area / (Hereafter referred to as locality)

Locality Number of points on 80/20 points system Evidence to be submitted by the supplier to substantiate the points claimed/allocated per specific goal (NB: Any of the evidence indicated below per specific goal should be regarded as sufficient).
For Free State based companies, this specific goal is aligned to the districts they are situated in.


Suppliers situated in Thabo Mofutsanyane District


Free State











·        Municipal Account

·        Lease agreement

·        Title deeds

·        Permission to occupy land signed by the traditional authority

·        A letter of confirmation of the address signed by the ward councilor

Attachments must be e-mailed to before the closing date and time. Please use above-mentioned FWPQ reference number as subject for the e-mail.

Closing Date: Thursday, 22nd August 2024 @ 16:30

Please Note the Following:

  1. No tender document is required.
  2. No telegraphic, telefaxes, hand-delivered and late bids will be accepted.
  3. No bids will be accepted from persons in service of the state (Acting through Proxy).
  4. Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy and Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No 5 of 2000 and its 2022 regulations (80/20 criteria) will apply.
  5. The following documents will be requested from shortlisted suppliers at the later stage for finalizations:
    • Company Registration Certificate (CRC) reflecting active members.
    • Certified copies of ID of all directors/members on the CRC must be attached.
    • MBD 4 form for declaration of interest that is filled and signed in full. Form is obtainable from Supply Chain Management Offices or from the municipal website under Supply Chain.
    • Municipal rates and taxes statement for the Company or Directors and must not be in arrears for more than three (3) months or a valid Lease Contract reflecting who is responsible to pay municipal rates and taxes if a Lessee is responsible for payment of municipal rates and taxes a municipal statement of account must be submitted or Letter of arrangement for payment of municipal services.
  6. Setsoto Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid or any other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole/part of the bid.
  7. All submissions will be subject to verification.

For Technical Enquiries contact Mr. T Mohalali at 051 933 9346 and For Supply Chain Management Enquiries contact Mr. T. Majoale at 051 933 9351 or